Saturday, December 18, 2010

Little handy girl

DIY-ed our furniture~!!

Trip #1 to IKEA.

We managed to stuff all these in the car, along with some one at the driver's seat and another three of us! And guess what, that long box, which contains our manicure table, is 37KG! That's like 7 bags of 5kg rice!? Mr "Macho" managed to carry it on his own. Wakaka~!!

Ikea trip #2. In fact, that's excluding the many trips we went for "research".

With tender loving care, slowly and surely, I managed....

Like a kid exploring her new toy...

I think I surprised most people! Heheh. Special thanks to dear Daddy whose been "training" me since I was a little girl. I was am his little helper.

*excited* I'll post up the end product tomorrow!!